Aeromodelling Workshops and Competitions in IIT Kanpur

IIT Kanpur has a rich history of aeromodelling and that shows with the innovation rich aeromodelling club of the institution. The club organizes a wide range of workshops all through the year catering to all kinds of aeromodelling enthusiasts. IIT Kanpur is also the north zone venue for the Boeing IIT National Aeromodelling Competition organized in association with AerotriX. To view competition details, click here.

This year, Boeing organized a free aeromodelling workshop in association with Techkriti 2015 – IITK’s annual technical symposium. The institution also welcomed its fresh graduates by organizing Glider making aeromodelling workshop during their orientation programme.

These are the past workshops from AerotriX that happened in IIT Kanpur:

Glider Making Workshop

AerotriX organised Glider Making workshop in IIT Delhi on 13th July, 2014 for first year students.

By making their own balsa wood gliders, the fresher students understood how to approach an engineering project. The workshop was full of team work, challenges, hands-on experience and the joy of successfully building a working glider!

   You can also organize a workshop in your College