Simple website using Bootstrap

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Simple website using Bootstrap

Websites become the very primary source of providing information to the users and customers. It is one of the most popular platforms for advertising too. Advanced and attractive websites grab the attention of most of the clients and users. If you don’t know how you can create these websites for schools and companies then don’t worry. Skyfi Labs are always here to provide you guidance for the project development. So let’s start learning with us.

Skyfi Labs Projects
Project Description

So here we are going to develop a static website for companies and colleges. Static websites have two types, single page and multi-page. We are going to use Bootstrap which is a framework for web development. So there are very basic steps and guidelines which are there in the implementation part of the article that will help you in the development of the simple website.

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Languages and technologies used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap

Implementation Guidelines

  1. You can use any IDE like Eclipse or Net Beans for the development of such websites
  2. Just click on the new project and then select dynamic web project.
  3. Create a CSS folder where you can copy the required links from the bootstrap website.
  4. Single page websites are very simple to develop. They don't have buttons and links to navigate.
  5. Create a .jsp file in the web content folder and start code in HTML syntax. You can use <h1><h1> tabs for heading with different sizes.
  6. Then you can insert images by using <img> tags with the source of the image declared with src”…….”.
  7. Then you can create table class I.e. <table class="table"> and can create rows and columns and can improve it by using borders and different colours.
  8. You can use a container class for the alignment of text and images along with cards and templates.
  9. The best part of the website is using sliders. You can create a carousel slider class to slide different images and information automatically. You can search it on the official site of bootstrap.
  10. The main part of the website is header and footer which will be done by using tags like <header> …… header content……</header> and <footer>…… Footer content…… </footer>.
  11. Better text alignment will help you to provide information in text format. We already explain the image structure in previous points.
  12. For multiple page websites, you can use buttons and links.
  13. Different .jsp files needed for different pages. More number of pages, more number of .jsp files. It will be easy to handle the project.
  14. Use <button></button> tag to add buttons for navigating to different pages. For example- <a href="………….." class="btn btn-primary btn-lg active" role="button" aria-pressed="true">Your Text</a> 
  15. Use href=”…..” to provide the name or address of the next page.
So here are some basic implementation thoughts that we want to share with you. Search more things related to web development. Don’t forget to visit our web development course too.

Kit required to develop Simple website using Bootstrap:
Technologies you will learn by working on Simple website using Bootstrap:

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